понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

How music works Part 3

Part 3

1. This term may mean different things in different contexts. Very often, diatonic refers to musical elements derived from the modes and transpositions of the "white note scale" C–D–E–F–G–A–B (see details below). In some usages it includes all forms of heptatonic scale that are in common use in Western music (the major, and all forms of the minor). (Диатонический)
2. The old notes were much more attached that chosen started points. Tne minor scale patterns on changed and fixed. It can start on any of the semitones in Western ladder. The old instruments could only play the certain modes. Major scale is identical to the old Ionian mode, it was rebranded. The new minor and major scales were designed to be compatable with each other. 1. The same arrangement of notes works no matter what note or pitch you started your scale. 2. When the different modes developed, new instruments were produced, that could play together.

How music works Part 2

Part 2

1. An interval is a combination of two notes, or the ratio between their frequencies. (интервал)
 A semitone, also called a half step or a half tone, is the smallest musical interval commonly used in Western tonal music, and it is considered the most dissonant when sounded harmonically. It is defined as the interval between two adjacent notes in a 12-tone scale (e.g. from C to C). This implies that its size is exactly or approximately equal to 100 cents, a twelfth of an octave. (полутон)
 А whole tone is a scale in which each note is separated from its neighbors by the interval of a whole step.(целотонный)
2. The experiment: He's trying to sing 2 whole tones and then 2 semitones. He claims, that it is easier for people to sing the whole tones rather than semitones.
3. The composer it is also a story-teller, who describes his own feelings with music.
4. In the theory of Western music, mode (from Latin modus, "measure, standard, manner, way, size, limit of quantity, method") (Powers 2001, Introduction; OED) generally refers to a type of scale. (Лад)
5. Aeolian is the sixth mode, beginning on A. It is also called the "natural minor scale". It consists of an A (the tonic), B (a major second), C (a minor third), D (a perfect fourth), E (a perfect fifth), F (a minor sixth), G (a minor seventh), and the upper octave, A. The Aeolian mode sounds solemn and sorrowful.
6. " to sharpen the note"- повышать ноту " to flatten the note"-понижать ноту.

How music works Part 1

Part 1

1. Melody is a kind of language as it may tell us the whole story with tunes.
2. A pentatonic scale is a musical scale with five notes per octave in contrast to a heptatonic (seven note) scale such as the major scale and minor scale. Pentatonic scales are very common and are found all over the world. The ubiquity of pentatonic scales, specifically anhemitonic (without semitones) modes, can be attributed to the total lack of the most dissonant intervals between any pitches;[citation needed] there are neither any semitones (and therefore also no complementary major sevenths) nor any tritones. This means any pitches of such a scale may be played in any order or combination without clashing.
3. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
4. There are 13 notes in Western scale. The numberof notes is different in different cultures.
5.Pitch is a perceptual property that allows the ordering of sounds on a frequency-related scale.( Высота звука)


1.How do you think,is rhythm so important for music?
 Rhythm is a part of music, which entertain the listener. Without it music would be pleasent enough, but it would be boring.
2.Where from rhythm is come?
 It comes from the beat of a pulse
3.How can we call speed on Italian?
4.What is it "swing"?
Swing uses a strong rhythm section of double bass and drums as the anchor for a lead section of brass instruments such as trumpets and trombones, woodwinds including saxophones and clarinets, and sometimes stringed instruments such as violin and guitar, medium to fast tempos, and a "lilting" swing time rhythm

понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

A little bit sad story

Jane was a bad student. One day, when she wasn't prepared for her ckasses again, her teacher Mrs. Carolin was extremely angry:
- Your awful behaviour upsets me again. You don't think about your future at all! That won't do!
- I just haven't got enough time! And I can't do my homework, because everyone bothers me.
- Well. You should go to the library then and read all the books for our next lesson.

Despite the fact that Jane was very lazy girl, she desided to improve her knowledge and became a good student to do Mrs.Caroline a favour.
So, she goes the library this evening.

She has never seen the local library before and she didn't like it at first sight. It was a big grey gloomy building, wich didn't make a desire to study.
All in all she came into and went alone the cold long corridor. She was going futher and futher until the end of the corridor.
The problem was that she got lost and had no idea how to go back. She tried to shout for help, but no one heard her voice. The girl even thought that she is alone in that building. Then she tried to find an exit and started running here and there, but confused in the labirints of corridors.

-Oh my God, I don't want to stay there for the rest of my life!
But, unfortunately, the God didn't hear her prayers and the little girl Jane stayed in the library forever and died during her sleep.

понедельник, 30 апреля 2012 г.

Water Lilies

Artist: Claude Monet                
Tiltle: Water Lilies
Date: 1917 - 1919 
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 78.74 ×  502.36 inches                  
Country of Origin: France
Current Location: Honolulu Academy of Arts

It is one of the greatest paintings depict Monet's flower garden at Giverni and were the main focus of Monet's artistic production during the last thirty years of his life. It was painted while Monet suffered from cataracts.
To my mind, this painting is absolutely perfect piece of art. I like the way the artist mix colors and make brushstrokes. The different shades of yellow, orange, red, and violet are very appealing. I find it absolutely pleasant for human's eye. When I look at this picture I feel some strange feelings: I can't explain what exactely beautiful in it, because I like it in general and each brushstroke. The subject is so simple - it's just lilies, but Monet succeded to convain a special beauty of it. This painting make me calm. I like it very much from my early childhood.

воскресенье, 22 апреля 2012 г.

James Cameron task

 1) James Cameron was very interested in science fiction. He read many sci-fi books and also did some experiments. I think, he wasn't popular at school because he lived in his imaginary world and his interests were rather different. It sounds crazy whether I want to have James Cameron (the director of my favorite film) as a friend :)
2) 60-s was the time of scientific and technical progress, when the man walked the moon etc. So this time was suitable to develop his interest of science fiction.
3) Diving and drawing were the most important things for James Cameron when he was young, because he likes the feel of discovery and he could paint whatever he imagine. He was fond of diving also because of the underwater life, unusual creatures.
4) I haven't seen The Abyss, but I really want. I will watch it, when I have time. I have seen Terminator 2 several times. He introduced CG and ILM. They are amazing!
5) He wanted to shot an epic romance film on a ship. That’s why The Titanic appeared. He wanted to do it as real as possible. Avatar is a movie illustrates vision of a post-human future and other forms of existence. I can't ask the question what does he like more: to imagine or to explore, because this two things were with him from his childhood.
6) The first lesson is that your team respect you and this fact is more important than money and success from the tram. And the second lesson is that you should not create any limits for yourself, you should do what you want, what you desire, not to fear do impossible things! Thats it!

воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

Titanic the 2nd

В настоящее время набирает обороты вопрос о том, как произошло это бедствие, и все больше и больше под сомнения ставятся действия капитана.
Он придерживается мнения, что его судно находилось достаточно далеко от берега, а то, на что оно наткнулось не было обозначено на его карте.

Однако, сотрудник береговой охраны утверждает, что крейсер находился очень близко к скалистому берегу, и один из членов экипажа в своем заявлении говорит, что капитан совершил, как он это охарактеризовал, "существенные ошибки".

Между тем, обследование затонувшей части корабля продолжалось всю ночь, и около двух часов одна из бригад обнаружила тело мужчины в коридоре.

Личность его еще не установлена, но скорее всего это пассажир, а не член экипажа.

По последним данным, катастрофа унесла жизнь шестерых человек.

surf the BBC

 Journey through BBC Learning English website was a wonderfull experience for me, because I didn't use this site before. Now I know about it and know how to find any information I need, so I believe it's very usefull also to do some excersises to improove my english. The thing that I like the most is quiz with new words which have appeared in English quite recently, because I really want to keep my English up to date.

понедельник, 20 февраля 2012 г.


Do you ever suggest how much unique species of animals and plants still alive on the Earth?

People are building huge factories, that cause soil pollution. Animals extincts because of it.

воскресенье, 19 февраля 2012 г.

Savvy, savvy, save?

Do you think yourself as a tech-savvy?
Do you actually know what it means?

If you have enough knowledge about computer and you can deal, and you can repair it by yourself, it means that you're tech-savvy.
Кукуруза была впервые отделена от дикой травы в Мексике около девяти тысяч лет назад.

Считалось, что это заняло добрую тысячу лет, до того момента, как кукуруза распространилась до Южной Америки, где стала неотъемлемой частью современного рациона.

Но початки, найденные на раскопках в северном Перу показывают, что их ели люди, жившие здесь как минимум шесть с половиной тысяч лет назад.

И тесты, проведенные на древних початках показали, что их использовали более разнообразными способами, чем считалось раньше: для производства муки и попкорна

Это означает то, что в некоторых районах люди делали попкорн еще до того, как появилась глиняная посуда. Как точно они дошли до этого, учитывая то, что у них не было достаточно глиняной посуды, не совсем ясно

Еще более неясно, когда они ели это, за век до первого кинофильма.

воскресенье, 12 февраля 2012 г.

The help was nominated for Oscar

 The film is based on the controversial best selling novel by Kathryn Stockett. It was controversial because it is the story of Jim Crow-era maids written by a white woman. Yes, the book is actually the fictionalized story of a white woman getting black maids to discuss their lives as maids for white folks. Rather than get into some politically correct dissertation on the book, movie or story, I will only comment on the film itself ... this very entertaining movie that also manages to deliver a timeless message.

Let me first start by saying that this movie is incredibly well acted. It is quite rare to have so many developed characters in one movie. There are some characters we immediately connect with, while others draw our ire each time their face appears. The script and these fine actresses utilize humor to point out the shameful behavior of those who saw themselves as superior. The humor doesn't soften the ignorance or abuse, but it does make the film infinitely more watchable and entertaining. Please know this is not a documentary.

Ms. Stockett's novel has a very loyal following in addition to the naysayers. A two hour film must, of course, take short cuts and trim story lines. Still the key elements are present. Based in Jackson, Mississippi during Governor Ross Barnett's term we see the social shark, Hilly Holbrook (Bryce Dallas Howard), in her full glory of ignorance, entitlement and superiority. We see her minions and followers emulating her moves while trying to gain her approval.

The story takes off when Skeeter (Emma Stone) graduates from Ole Miss and returns home and takes a job at the local newspaper. Possessing observation skills and humanity that her lifelong friends can't comprehend, Skeeter desperately wants to tell a story from the perspective of the maids. As expected, the maids are hesitant, but Aibileen (Viola Davis) does relent. The stories begin to flow and soon the robust Minny (Octavia Spencer) joins in. Others soon follow their lead and Skeeter's education goes to an entirely new level.

That's really all of the story I care to discuss. The brilliance of this one is actually in the details ... individual scenes and moments of acting genius by most of the cast. In addition to those mentioned above, Jessica Chastain plays Celia, the "white trash" outcast who so desperately wants to be allowed back into the girls' club. Ms. Chastain was seen a few weeks ago in the fabulous "Tree of Life" in quite a different role ... I would venture to say no actress will have two roles of such variance this year. Also, Allison Janney plays Skeeter's cancer-stricken mother, and Sissy Spacek is Hilly's mother who gets tossed aside before she is ready to go! The great Cicely Tyson makes a brief appearance as Constantine, Skeeter's childhood maid who was done so wrong after 29 years of service. Mary Steenburgen has a couple of scenes as a big NYC book publisher.

As a said, this is pure acting heaven, but I must single out Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer. Viola is so powerful at the beginning and end of the film, and Ms. Spencer is a force of nature during the middle. This movie is really their story and these two ladies make it fascinating, painful and a joy to behold. They both deserve recognition at Oscar time.

There are so many fantastic details to the film. At times, it is like watching a classic car show ... the late 50's and early 60's models are works of art. The wardrobe, hair and make-up are perfect in setting up the class differentials. The TV and radio segments provide context and timing with the deaths of Medger Evers and JFK. Even the books on Skeeter's shelf make a statement: To Kill a Mockingbird, Huck Finn, Native Son, and Gone With the Wind.

This story takes place 50 years ago and director Tate Taylor does an admirable job of bringing Stockett's novel to the big screen. Mr. Taylor is a longtime friend of Ms. Stockett's and was quite fortunate to get the directing rights. He doesn't disappoint. Sure the story is a bit glossy at times ... it is geared towards the masses. If you are looking for more depth, there are numerous documentaries available on the Civil Rights movement. If you are seeking a very entertaining movie that uses humor to tell a story and send a message, then this one's for you.