понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

How music works Part 3

Part 3

1. This term may mean different things in different contexts. Very often, diatonic refers to musical elements derived from the modes and transpositions of the "white note scale" C–D–E–F–G–A–B (see details below). In some usages it includes all forms of heptatonic scale that are in common use in Western music (the major, and all forms of the minor). (Диатонический)
2. The old notes were much more attached that chosen started points. Tne minor scale patterns on changed and fixed. It can start on any of the semitones in Western ladder. The old instruments could only play the certain modes. Major scale is identical to the old Ionian mode, it was rebranded. The new minor and major scales were designed to be compatable with each other. 1. The same arrangement of notes works no matter what note or pitch you started your scale. 2. When the different modes developed, new instruments were produced, that could play together.

How music works Part 2

Part 2

1. An interval is a combination of two notes, or the ratio between their frequencies. (интервал)
 A semitone, also called a half step or a half tone, is the smallest musical interval commonly used in Western tonal music, and it is considered the most dissonant when sounded harmonically. It is defined as the interval between two adjacent notes in a 12-tone scale (e.g. from C to C). This implies that its size is exactly or approximately equal to 100 cents, a twelfth of an octave. (полутон)
 А whole tone is a scale in which each note is separated from its neighbors by the interval of a whole step.(целотонный)
2. The experiment: He's trying to sing 2 whole tones and then 2 semitones. He claims, that it is easier for people to sing the whole tones rather than semitones.
3. The composer it is also a story-teller, who describes his own feelings with music.
4. In the theory of Western music, mode (from Latin modus, "measure, standard, manner, way, size, limit of quantity, method") (Powers 2001, Introduction; OED) generally refers to a type of scale. (Лад)
5. Aeolian is the sixth mode, beginning on A. It is also called the "natural minor scale". It consists of an A (the tonic), B (a major second), C (a minor third), D (a perfect fourth), E (a perfect fifth), F (a minor sixth), G (a minor seventh), and the upper octave, A. The Aeolian mode sounds solemn and sorrowful.
6. " to sharpen the note"- повышать ноту " to flatten the note"-понижать ноту.

How music works Part 1

Part 1

1. Melody is a kind of language as it may tell us the whole story with tunes.
2. A pentatonic scale is a musical scale with five notes per octave in contrast to a heptatonic (seven note) scale such as the major scale and minor scale. Pentatonic scales are very common and are found all over the world. The ubiquity of pentatonic scales, specifically anhemitonic (without semitones) modes, can be attributed to the total lack of the most dissonant intervals between any pitches;[citation needed] there are neither any semitones (and therefore also no complementary major sevenths) nor any tritones. This means any pitches of such a scale may be played in any order or combination without clashing.
3. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
4. There are 13 notes in Western scale. The numberof notes is different in different cultures.
5.Pitch is a perceptual property that allows the ordering of sounds on a frequency-related scale.( Высота звука)


1.How do you think,is rhythm so important for music?
 Rhythm is a part of music, which entertain the listener. Without it music would be pleasent enough, but it would be boring.
2.Where from rhythm is come?
 It comes from the beat of a pulse
3.How can we call speed on Italian?
4.What is it "swing"?
Swing uses a strong rhythm section of double bass and drums as the anchor for a lead section of brass instruments such as trumpets and trombones, woodwinds including saxophones and clarinets, and sometimes stringed instruments such as violin and guitar, medium to fast tempos, and a "lilting" swing time rhythm

понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

A little bit sad story

Jane was a bad student. One day, when she wasn't prepared for her ckasses again, her teacher Mrs. Carolin was extremely angry:
- Your awful behaviour upsets me again. You don't think about your future at all! That won't do!
- I just haven't got enough time! And I can't do my homework, because everyone bothers me.
- Well. You should go to the library then and read all the books for our next lesson.

Despite the fact that Jane was very lazy girl, she desided to improve her knowledge and became a good student to do Mrs.Caroline a favour.
So, she goes the library this evening.

She has never seen the local library before and she didn't like it at first sight. It was a big grey gloomy building, wich didn't make a desire to study.
All in all she came into and went alone the cold long corridor. She was going futher and futher until the end of the corridor.
The problem was that she got lost and had no idea how to go back. She tried to shout for help, but no one heard her voice. The girl even thought that she is alone in that building. Then she tried to find an exit and started running here and there, but confused in the labirints of corridors.

-Oh my God, I don't want to stay there for the rest of my life!
But, unfortunately, the God didn't hear her prayers and the little girl Jane stayed in the library forever and died during her sleep.