понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

A little bit sad story

Jane was a bad student. One day, when she wasn't prepared for her ckasses again, her teacher Mrs. Carolin was extremely angry:
- Your awful behaviour upsets me again. You don't think about your future at all! That won't do!
- I just haven't got enough time! And I can't do my homework, because everyone bothers me.
- Well. You should go to the library then and read all the books for our next lesson.

Despite the fact that Jane was very lazy girl, she desided to improve her knowledge and became a good student to do Mrs.Caroline a favour.
So, she goes the library this evening.

She has never seen the local library before and she didn't like it at first sight. It was a big grey gloomy building, wich didn't make a desire to study.
All in all she came into and went alone the cold long corridor. She was going futher and futher until the end of the corridor.
The problem was that she got lost and had no idea how to go back. She tried to shout for help, but no one heard her voice. The girl even thought that she is alone in that building. Then she tried to find an exit and started running here and there, but confused in the labirints of corridors.

-Oh my God, I don't want to stay there for the rest of my life!
But, unfortunately, the God didn't hear her prayers and the little girl Jane stayed in the library forever and died during her sleep.

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